FACT’s Healthy & Humane Farm Funds Project will provide small grants to qualifying humane farmers who need assistance in improving the welfare of their farm animals. Grants will be awarded for projects that (1) help farms transition to pasture-based systems, (2) improve the marketing of their humane products, or (3) more generally enrich the conditions in which farm animals are raised. Applications are due by April 1, 2012 for awards made in June 2012. At least five farms will be funded each year, with grants ranging from $500 to $1,500 per farm. View guidelines and download an application at <http://www.humanefarmfunds.org/> http://www.humanefarmfunds.org/. Contact Lisa Isenhart at <mailto:grants@foodanimalconcerns.org>
grants@foodanimalconcerns.org, 773-525-4952 with questions.