The Ceres Trust launches the sixth year of their Organic Research Initiative (ORI) program to support research that helps the region contend with “the loss of our beneficial weather patterns, severe degradation and loss of our soils, dwindling and contaminated water resources, widespread loss of pollinators, and the collapse of entire ecosystems.” They fund organic […]
Category: Grants
NCSARE Graduate Student Grant Program
Graduate students enrolled at colleges or universities in the North Central region can submit proposals for up to $10,000 to fund sustainable agriculture projects that will be part of their educational programs. NCR-SARE expects to fund about 15 projects in the twelve-state North Central Region. Download the application here NCR-SARE will be accepting online submissions […]
2015 Conservation Stewardship Program Applications Due!
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) announced that funds will be available this year through the Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP). Although NRCS accepts applications all year, agricultural producers and forest landowners should submit applications by Feb. 27, 2015 to ensure they are considered for this year’s funding. Applications received after that […]
Ceres Trust Grad Student RFA
The 2015 Ceres Trust Grad Student grants are now open for application. Detailed information can be found at Program Description Up to 10 one-year grants of up to $10,000 each will be made to support organic research by full-time graduate students (Masters and Ph.D.) enrolled at accredited colleges and universities in the North Central Region. The […]
Grants: iSEE requests proposals for interdisciplinary research projects
UPDATE: A reminder that the deadline is Feb. 1 for pre-proposals (“white papers” of no more than three pages) for 2015 iSEE seed funding! The Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment (iSEE) is making a Request for Proposals for 2015 seed grants to launch interdisciplinary, thematic research projects. Pre-proposals should outline projects that address a global problem within one of […]
Sustainable Agriculture Scholarship Program Open
Annie’s Sustainable Agriculture Scholarship Program gives out $100,000 a year to students pursuing degrees in sustainable agriculture. The company, which you can read more about here, is dedicated to producing responsible, simple, and nourishing packaged food. You can read about past winners by clicking the above image. Eligibility Guidelines The program is open to full-time undergraduate and […]
Grants: Funding for Prairie and Savanna Research
Prairie Biotic Research (PBR) is an all-volunteer, Wisconsin nonprofit established in 2000 to foster basic biotic research in prairies and savannas. One way that they do this is through a competitive Small Grants Program that funds grants up to $1000 to individuals for the study of any grassland taxon anywhere in the USA, and this includes […]
News: USDA to provide $4 million for honey bee habitat
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced yesterday that more than $4 million in technical and financial assistance will be provided to help farmers and ranchers in the Midwest improve the health of honey bees, which play an important role in crop production. “The future of America’s food supply depends on honey bees, and this effort is one […]
NCR SARE Grants: Open Calls For Proposals
The deadlines to apply for NCR-SARE Grants are coming up! Details for all current grants below: The 2015 Research and Education Grant Program Text | PDF DEADLINE: October 23, 2014 Individual grants range from $10,000 to $200,000. NCR-SARE expects to fund about seven to ten projects in the twelve-state North Central Region.
Ceres Trust Organic Research Initative
Application due date: September 25, 2014 Ceres Trust, a privately administered charitable trust based in the Midwest, has as its main focus the support and promotion of organic and sustainable agriculture. The competitive Organic Research Initiative (ORI) program awards grants of up to $60,000 per year for up to three years. Ceres Trust anticipates that […]