The purpose of the National Integrated Food Safety Initiative is to support food safety
projects that demonstrate an integrated approach to solving problems in applied
food safety research, education, or extension. Various models for integration
of applied research, education, and extension will be considered for funding.
Applications describing multi-state, multi-institutional, multidisciplinary,
and multifunctional activities (and combinations thereof) are encouraged.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to address at least two of the three
functional areas of research, education, and extension (i.e., research and
extension, research and education, or extension and education).
Priority appied research areas include-
Minimizing Microbial Food Safety Hazards of Fresh and Fresh-Cut Fruits and Vegetables
Minimizing Antibiotic Resistance Transmission throughout the Food Chain
Deadline June 27. This is a national program with over 9 million dollars.
For more info click here