Alabama A&M University is pleased to announce to invite applications from undergraduate students to participate in a National Science Foundation supported summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program.
The REU site at Alabama A&M University (AAMU) is an international program which will provide a ten-week research experience to undergraduates beginning May 16-July 21, 2012. Students will spend the three days at AAMU followed by six weeks at Nanjing Forestry University in China and the remaining three weeks again at AAMU. The program will focus on Ecological and Environmental Science Research in an Urbanizing Landscape, engaging students in a broad range of ecological and environmental science research with a focus on the hypothesis driven quantification, experimentation and modeling of human induced ecological and environmental changes, particularly the ecosystem responses to urbanization.
The program will expose talented students to international collaborative research. Students will improve their written and verbal communication skills and enhance their self-confidence and ability to do teamwork. The program is designed to enhance students’ critical thinking and analytical skills, and provide opportunities for networking among students, faculty, and scientists in the US and China. Each student will complete a research project, prepare a written report, and give a presentation. Additionally, students will be exposed to China’s language, culture, and history. For more information, please visit our website at:!.aspx
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