eOrganic Article Competition to Participate in an American Society for Horticultural Science (ASHS) Organic Interest Group Planned Oral Session eOrganic and the ASHS Organic Interest Group invite all undergraduate and graduate students with knowledge and experience in organic farming and/or food systems to submit an article for publication to eOrganic (along with an abstract summarizing […]
Author: cropsci-webmaster
Assistant Professor – Soil Health UW River Falls
University of Wisconsin-River Falls College of Agriculture, Food and Environ Sciences Department of Plant and Earth Science Assistant Professor – Soil Health The University of Wisconsin River Falls, a member of the University of Wisconsin System, is located in scenic west central Wisconsin, 30 miles from the multi-cultural, multi-ethnic cities of Minneapolis and St Paul. […]
Live Local Conference
This conference on local and regional food systems, sponsored by the Illinois Farm Bureau, looks like it will provide some great information for folks interested in local marketing. Pre-registration closes in one week. REISTER NOW! www.ilfb.org/livelocal Talks and breakout sessions address a variety of things, including food safety, policy, networking, technical assistance, one-on-one consulting, and community development. […]
Washington State University Fruit Extension Position
Join WSU’s Tree Fruit Extension Team. Nationally, Washington ranks first in the production of apples, sweet cherries, and pears. The Washington tree fruit industry contributes more than $6 billion of annual impact to the state’s economy. The industry is committed to sustainable agricultural practices and conservation of water resources. Together with the state’s tree fruit […]
2018 ASAP Scholars!
We are excited to announce two new ASAP Scholars and can’t wait to see what they accomplish! Jaeyoung Han is a PhD student working with Dr. Glen Hartman. They are interested in the occurrence of nematodes in organic soybean fields in the state of Illinois. Plant parasitic nematodes, especially soybean cyst nematode, damage soybean cultivation […]
aMAIZEing organic field day
Come to the aMAIZEing organic field day at the University of Illinois! 8:30-11.30 / July 19, 2018 3100 North Rising Road Champaign, IL 61822 HIGHLIGHTS Tour the organic corn breeding plots near the U of I campus Why do we need organic seed? Learn the ins and outs of the organic seed system! Try your […]
Tree Crop Analysts
The Savanna Institute seek applicants for full or part time positions who share their passion for regenerative and resilient agriculture. This is a non-profit organization based in Madison, Wisconsin and Urbana, Illinois that engages in strategic research and education in partnership with farmers, scientists, and other stakeholders to develop perennial food and fodder crops with broad […]
Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant Seeks Program Manager
The Illinois Water Resources Center and Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant programs have a job opening for a program manager. If you know of students who are interested in a management type job, but with an environmental mission, this would be a good position. I think your students would be competitive. The salary range is $55,000-$70,000 with […]
Friday is the Arbor Day Celebration on Campus
Help plant a tree! The celebration starts at 11:30. Arbor Day Celebration 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m, April 27. Main Quad, in between Foellinger Hall and Lincoln Hall This year, as every year, we plant a new tree to celebrate National Arbor Day. Please come pick up a shovel and play “TREE-via” (trivia game) for […]
Green Stormwater Infrastructure Research Assistant in Peoria IL
Candidates should submit resume and cover letter to careers@akrf.com with the subject line: “AKRF Green Stormwater Infrastructure Research Assistant.” AKRF, Inc. is seeking a locally-based student intern to provide ‘boots-on-the-ground’ site support for its green stormwater infrastructure maintenance and monitoring program for a pilot green stormwater infrastructure project in Peoria, IL. This program is specifically […]