eOrganic Article Competition to Participate in an American Society for Horticultural Science (ASHS) Organic Interest Group Planned Oral Session
eOrganic and the ASHS Organic Interest Group invite all undergraduate and graduate students with knowledge and experience in organic farming and/or food systems to submit an article for publication to eOrganic (along with an abstract summarizing that article) to this competition. Articles can be written on a horticultural topic and developed as outlined in the ‘About eOrganic Articles’ section below. Abstracts must be developed as outlined by eOrganic and ASHS. Please read the instructions below.
Article submissions will be evaluated by a panel including ASHS Organic Interest Group members and eOrganic editorial staff for relevance, quality, and compliance with eOrganic’s Instructions for Authors. Authors of the five highest scoring articles will receive support for their travel to the 2019 ASHS conference in Las Vegas which takes place on July 21-25, 2019.. Each of these authors will give an oral presentation summarizing his/her article in a Planned Oral Session at the conference. The articles will be published to eOrganic public website after successfully completing eOrganic’s peer refereed review process.
eOrganic will reimburse (after the conference presentation) domestic (US) airfare, 3 nights hotel, 3 days meals and conference registration fees for a total of up to $1500 for each of the authors of successful submissions. (Does not include tours or special events). Travel reimbursement requests must be received by Alice Formiga at eOrganic by July 31, 2019.
For more information contact Alice Formiga at eOrganic at Alice.Formiga@oregonstate.edu.
- Competition announcement: January 23, 2019
- Article submission due date: February 23, 2019 (midnight Pacific Time). Articles will be submitted to Alice Formiga at eOrganic (alice.formiga@oregonstate.edu). This deadline is for the full article–not just the abstract!
- Notification: Authors (successful and unsuccessful) will be notified by the end of the day on February 28, 2019.
- Abstracts: Winning abstracts will be submitted automatically by the Organic Interest Group to ASHS for the Planned Oral Session. Non-winning abstracts may be submitted to the ASHS abstract submission site by the author.
- Presentations in Planned Oral Session: The Planned Oral Session will be scheduled by ASHS during the ASHS conference in Las Vegas.
- Travel reimbursement request: Reimbursement requests must be submitted after the conference and by July 31, 2019.
About eOrganic Articles
eOrganic is the national Organic Agriculture Community at eXtension.org. Our articles communicate research-, regulation-, and experience-based information about commercial organic farming. The articles are created at http://eorganic.info and are published to our public website which is currently at http://www.extension.org/organic_production. eOrganic’s Instructions for Authors can be accessed at http://eorganic.info/node/5199.
Articles must be original, i.e. not previously published elsewhere. Authors should search existing eOrganic content to make sure eOrganic does not currently have an article on this topic, or that the submitted article complements existing eOrganic content. eOrganic articles should add value and specifically address a horticultural topic in organic farming systems, i.e. they should not simply be reproductions of conventional sources with the non-compliant information removed.
Articles must be well written and formatted as described in the Instructions for Authors (see link above) by the author before submission. They should be written in a style that is accessible to eOrganic’s diverse audience of farmers, Extension personnel, certifiers, inspectors, nonprofit staff, researchers, and others. In other words, they should not be too technical or assume that readers know what acronyms or scientific terms mean. Authors should provide references and links to any cited information as well as resources that would help readers learn more about the topic.
Articles should contain information based on practical research and/or farmer experience that organic farmers and advisors can use. Priority will be given to articles that summarize and integrate the best science-, practice- and regulation-based information on a topic. Authors are encouraged but not required to include their own research findings. Authors are strongly encouraged to carefully read the articles linked below and the eOrganic Instructions for Authors before starting their article.
Terms of Use and Copyright
All articles published on eXtension are covered by eXtension’s Terms of Use and is All Rights Reserved by the eXtension Foundation.
All authors must obtain an ID from eXtension at https://people.extension.org/signup and create an account on eOrganic at http://eorganic.info
Examples of eOrganic Articles
- Options for Including Cover Crops in High Tunnel Rotations in the Northern United States (2018 winner)
- Solarization and Tarping for Weed Management on Organic Farms in the Northeast USA (2018 winner)
- How to Use Paper Bags to Protect Organic Peaches from Insects and Diseases in the Southeastern United States (2018 winner)
- Spotted Wing Drosophila: Biology, Behavior and Organic Management
- Abrasive Weeding: A New Tool for Weed Management in Organic Agriculture
- Managing Cucumber Beetles in Organic Farming Systems
- Organic Management of Late Blight of Potato and Tomato (Phytophthora infestans)
ASHS Abstract Instructions
Abstract length is limited to 400 words. Avoid special characters and scientific symbols as they may cause translation problems. Review your submission carefully.
Presentations must be made in English, as no translation service will be available.
List all authors with institution/organization/department and contact information (email, phone, mailing address). List submitting author first.
Indicate funding source/s as applicable (NIFA OREI or ORG, OFRF, Western SARE, etc)
The abstracts of presented papers will be published in an online supplement to HortScience in the fall of 2019. The supplement will be available through the HortScience electronic journal site. The file will be open access and paginated as a supplement, with each page number beginning with “S”.