There has been much talk lately about the food waste problem, but less about solutions. The focus of this webinar will be on existing programs and solutions implemented by four public entities that can serve as models for other public and private programs as well. Topics covered include program development and evolution, lessons learned, and solutions that may be applicable to other cities and programs.
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The webinar costs $29 and will feature the following Programs:
- San Francisco’s Comprehensive Mandatory Food and Other Organics Source Separation and Composting Program. Alex Dmitriew, Commercial Zero Waste Coordinator. San Francisco Department of the Environment
Learn why and how San Francisco has implemented mandatory composting resulting in 99% of all properties compliant in having service. Hear the challenges and lessons that you can learn to utilize this model for food and organics recovery.
- The City of Minneapolis Residential Organics Recycling Program. Kellie Kish, Recycling Coordinator. City of Minneapolis, Division of Solid Waste & Recycling
Discussion will include the timeline going from a pilot to drop-offs to the citywide residential organics recycling program and share educational tactics to encourage participation in the program. The City’s residential program has less than 1% contamination due to their continued educational efforts.
- The City of Austin’s Universal Recycling Ordinance’s Organics Diversion Program. Selene Castillo, Waste Diversion Planner. Austin Resource Recovery, City of Austin.
Discussion will focus on Austin’s Universal Recycling Ordinance’s Organics Diversion component, upcoming studies, and the results of a commercial organics diversion baseline study.
- Pursuing Organics Management in NYC, America’s Largest City. Bridget Anderson, Deputy Commissioner Recycling and Sustainability, New York City Department of Sanitation
Learn about the diversified approach NYC is using to provide organics recycling our residents and businesses, the status of the program to date and what is coming in 2018.