The successful applicant would:
“Provide consultation and educational programs and materials addressing scale appropriate technology for organic/biological and conventional farming systems consistent with clientele goals. A potential programmatic emphasis for this position is forages and pasture management as they interface with grass-based livestock systems, specialty grains and other agronomic crops appropriate for small scale production, weed control and nutrient management. Conduct demonstrations and appropriate applied research of interest to beginning and experienced farmers, such as, but not limited to, variety trials, equipment demonstrations, sustainable agriculture methods, etc.”
Efforts are expected to:
“Contribute to regional food system efforts with a focus on small-scale, sustainable and organic farm and food businesses.
“Contribute to regional food system efforts with a focus on small-scale, sustainable and organic farm and food businesses.
Activities may include but are not limited to:
–Identify economic development opportunities related to small-scale production and processing to add value to locally grown foods and the development of new markets to consumers and retail food services.
–Identify economic development opportunities related to small-scale production and processing to add value to locally grown foods and the development of new markets to consumers and retail food services.
–Engage with community-based organizations to support innovation and entrepreneurship within local and regional food systems.
–Provide technical assistance on production, marketing, processing, distribution, regulatory compliance, business planning and viability, and other elements of long-term sustainability for new small-scale, farm-direct food businesses. “
–Provide technical assistance on production, marketing, processing, distribution, regulatory compliance, business planning and viability, and other elements of long-term sustainability for new small-scale, farm-direct food businesses. “
The position is in collaboration with the Oregon State University Small Farms Program (http://smallfarms. which is part of the Center for Small Farms & Community Food Systems). It is a 0.75 FTE extension faculty position with opportunities for full time employment (funding is recurring) located in Salem, Oregon. This is in the mid-Willamette Valley of western Oregon and is about 60 minutes south of Portland. The OSU Small Farms program focuses on organic/biological/sustainable approaches to farming and enhancement of local/regional food systems.
The stated goal of the program is “to change the world”.
Apply by January 3, 2016
Go to: https://jobs.oregonstate. edu/applicants/jsp/shared/ position/JobDetails_css.jsp? postingId=436180/. Position number 16640.