Food Day U of I 2015

fdayWanted to remind folks that the Students for Sustainability are meeting for a potluck to celebrate Food Day.  This will be in Murphy Lounge, Campus YMCA 1001 S. Wright Street from 3.30 to 6.00 PM.  The day will take October 24 as a day to “resolve to make changes in our own diets and to take action to solve food-related problems in our communities at the local, state, and national level.”  This year’s Food Day  theme is “Toward a Greener Diet.”  This is not to be confused with World food day, whics is celebrated on October 16 to celebrate the day the Food and Agriculture Organization  was founded  in 1945 by 43 member countries to address world hunger and malnutrition   Of course the two are connected.    Hope to see you at this glocal event!  Please bring something vegan or veg to share or provide a small donation.