The International Rescue Committee in Salt Lake City is looking for a Farm Coordinator who knows the day-to-day challenge of vegetable production. But just as crucial, we’re looking for an enthusiastic somebody who could see themselves as a mentor, teacher and guide for the 20+ refugee farmers who work the urban incubator farm we manage. […]
Month: July 2015
Annotated Bibliography on Structural Racism in the Food System
In late May 2015, MSU Center for Regional Food Systems published a new annotated bibliography, Structural racism present in the U.S. Food System The resource provides useful background reading to advocates, scholars, and anyone else working to bring about a more sustainable and just food system in the United States. We received a number of comments and suggestions […]
PhD project in soil science in Munich
Formation and composition of soil microaggregates as explored by their elemental and isotopic label composition We offer a 3-year PhD-position at the Chair of Soil Science of the Technische Universität München ( / within the DFG-funded research unit MAD Soil. The group of Prof. Ingrid Kögel-Knabner is located at Freising-Weihenstephan, nearby Munich in southern […]
U of British Columbia: tenure-track agroecology position
Originally posted May 25 2015 at UBC Faculty of Land and Food Systems. The University of British Columbia is seeking outstanding candidates for a full-time, tenure track position at the rank of Assistant Professor. The position will be affiliated with the Centre for Sustainable Food Systems at the UBC Farm, within the Applied Biology Program […]
Agroecology Post-Doc position at Montana State
Post Doctoral Researcher, Department of Land Resources and Environmental Sciences and Department of Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology, Montana State University-Bozeman, Montana LRES, PSPP Starting Date: Negotiable, preferred start date is 9/1/15. Salary: Commensurate with experience and qualifications. Group medical, dental and optical insurance plan; TIAA/CREF, vacation and sick leave. Duties & Responsibilities: […]
Fields Best Seeds inaugural Field Day on July 15th
Organic Spring Wheat Field Day – July 15th, 2015 Fields Best Seeds, serving farmers and markets with high value local seed and grain products, invites you to attend its inaugural organic grains field day in Caledonia, Boone County IL on July 15th, from 9:00 am until noon. This field day on the Beaver Creek West […]
California Department of Food and Agriculture is hiring
ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR THE FERTILIZER RESEARCH AND EDUCATION PROGRAM’S TECHNICAL ADVISORY SUBCOMMITTEE (TASC) The California Department of Food and Agriculture is announcing three vacancies on the Fertilizer Research and Education Program (FREP)’s Technical Advisory Subcommittee. This subcommittee reviews and recommends fertilizer research and education proposals for funding and implementation to the department’s Fertilizer Inspection Advisory […]