Graduate students, abstracts are due for the trisociety meetings and there are MANY graduate student competitions that provide monetary awards. For a list of these click here
Competitions include a poster session on Organic Management Systems, oral and poster sessions on Sensor Based Nutrient Management, and Evapotranspiration Measurement and Modeling, poster sessions on Soil Health and Biomedical and Health-Benificial & Nutritionally Enhanced Plants, oral and poster sessions on Pedology, a poster session on Soil Biology and Biochemistry, and much much more.
The following competition and travel award provide a nice example of how these efforts are organized to attract research to important areas.
SSSA Division – Soil Physics and Hydrology Soil Physics and Hydrology will hold its “Soil
Physics and Hydrology Student Competition: Lightning Orals with Poster Presentations” comprised of 3-minute talks plus 2 minutes questions to be linked with the Student Poster Competition. Combined lightning oral and poster presentations will be evaluated by judges selected by the Soil Physics Division Executive Committee. Guidelines for high-quality posters can be found on theabstract submission website.
Oral presentations are limited to two slides only. To be included in this competition, abstractsmust be submitted through the ACS website, selecting Soil Physics Division as the preferred division and noting that you wish to enter the paper in the student competition. The lead author on the abstract and presenting author must be a graduate or undergraduate student at the time of the annual meeting. The top 3 students will be
recognized with cash awards of $300, $200, and $100 each. The awardees will be recognized during the Soil Physics Business meeting and via
email to the Division, and in a short article to CSA News and posted on
SSSA Division – Soil Physics and Hydrology:
Robert Luxmoore Student Travel Award The Robert Luxmoore Student Travel Award is
designed to support travel of students to the Annual Meeting of the Soil Science Society of America. This award is supported by a generous bequest made by Robert Luxmoore to the Soil Physics Mentoring Fund, which has been established through the Agronomic Science Foundation and is administered by the Soil Science Society of America. Two $750 awards will be given to undergraduate or graduate students as travel support. Details on application procedures and deadlines can be found at:
Join today if you aren’t already a member of the Soil Science Society of America, Crops Science Society of America or Agronomy Society of America You can join all three for just $35!