For Earth Day on campus this year lets thank our Student Sustainability Committee! Last week they held a symposium in the Illini Ballroom to report on projects they have funded and it was really impressive. Check out all their funded work here. Featured projects included projects at Allerton, discussed by Derek Peterson. Then Jen Bechtel discussed the Sustainability Living-Learning Community, Mark Taylor spoke about the Solar Decathlon, and Jason Finkelman provided an overview of the upcoming “sonified sustainability festival”. It should be great. The video he showed of Ken Butler, who uses recycled materials to make instruments, might have been the highlight for many but for me, the highlight was the presentation made by Olivia Webb, SSC food and waste sub-committee chair. By sharing her personal experiences she inspired all who were there. The SSC has been transformative for the campus and the students who participate in the important work they do. What on Earth Day would we do without them?