Graduate students enrolled at colleges or universities in the North Central region can submit proposals for up to $10,000 to fund sustainable agriculture projects that will be part of their educational programs. NCR-SARE expects to fund about 15 projects in the twelve-state North Central Region.
Download the application here
NCR-SARE will be accepting online submissions for the Graduate Student Grant Program using our online submission system. More information about the online submission system can be found in the call for proposals. NCR-SARE strongly encourages students to involve farmers and ranchers in their Graduate Student Grant projects.
Proposals must be completely submitted to the online system by 4 p.m. CDT, May 5, 2015. Potential applicants should note the deadline, and plan accordingly, since it may coincide with finals.
Potential applicants can contact Beth Nelson with questions at or 612-626-4436.