Critically acclaimed DotEarth blogger Andrew Revkin returns today to the University of Illinois campus, this time as a guest of the Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment to deliver the opening keynote address for iSEE Congress 2014.
“Feeding 9 Billion: A Path to Sustainable Agriculture” opens at 5 this evening in the new home for the Institute, 1101 W. Peabody, Urbana. A few seats remain for walk-ins to hear Revkin, a longtime New York Times reporter.
Some seats also remain open when the Congress continues all day Wednesday and Thursday at the Alice Campbell Alumni Center on campus. For the complete schedule, click here. For a list of all of the world scholars assembled for this event, click here.
We hope you’ll join the conversation on how to produce more food with a smaller environmental footprint as the world population continues to increase.