September 4th Field Day: Keystone Cover Crops, Soil Health, and Value Adding with Diversity Workshop

Mark your calendar for Thursday, September 4th and plan to be a guest at this Workshop/Field Day which showcases three separate ongoing research projects being conducted at Dave Bishop’s PrairiErth Farm as well as other conservation practices. 

PrairiErth Farm’s Dave Bishop will discuss the 3-crop system of farming being used on his farm, as well as other value adding techniques that can be utilized on small or large scale farming operations.

Dr. Bill Becker, crop consultant at the farm will discuss balancing micronutrients.

Liz Pegg, doctoral student at Illinois State University and manager of the “Food Forest Project” will discuss what has been learned in the 2 year research project and the role of cover crops in fertility and attracting bees as beneficial insects.
Casandra Wilcoxen, a graduate student with the University of Illinois, will discuss her research, which includes bird point count surveys, butterfly and bee transect surveys, and setting insect traps on PrairiErth farm as well as other farms in central Illinois in order to discover which conservation practices are most beneficial to wildlife.

Dr. Sam Wortman, University of Illinois crop science professor, and his grad assistants will also discuss their research project: “Keystone Cover Crop Species- understanding the relative contribution of individual species to soil health.” A plot tour will also be given.

This unique workshop will be take place 9 a.m. to noon with lunch included. The event will be held just 4miles south/east of Atlanta, Illinois (or one half mile west of PrairieErth Farm on 2000th Blvd.) Please RSVP to Illinois Stewardship Alliance. Phone: 217-528-1563, Email:

Workshop sponsored by: Illinois Stewardship Alliance & PrairiErth Farm