Abstracts for SAEA Conference Due May 1

Don’t forget about the 6th National Sustainable Agriculture Education Association meeting!  Raleigh, North Carolina on the campuses of North Carolina State University and Central Carolina Community College. Submit your abstract for a conference poster by May 1, 2014. Registration begins May 1, 2014. Schedule available June 15, 2014.

ASAP Is Looking for help with communication and outreach

The Agroecology and Sustainable Agriculture Program is looking for student help to write articles for our ‘Student Voices’ series, to identify resources, and events to post on the web, help the Illinois Organic Growers Association with communications, and/or to develop multi media content to feature exciting activities or projects that contribute to agricultural equity and […]

ASAP’s Scholars welcome Ross Wagstaff as the newest Scholars Awardee

The Agroecology and Sustainable Agriculture Program has awarded Ross Wagstaff with 2 years of support as part of our ASAP Scholars program.  Ross will join Sam Wortman’s Urban Agriculture Research Lab in the Department of Crop Sciences to study the complex relationship between plants and the urban environment.  According to Ross, “the urban atmospheric growing […]

Billion Gallon Water Challenge

The Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (ISTC) is spearheading an initiative called the “Billion Gallon Water Challenge” to preserve and protect water resources in Illinois. ICTS has just completed an RFP for water conservations projects to support research grant programs that will help reach the goal to save 1,000,000,000 gallons of water in Illinois. ICTS will […]

Land Connection is Hiring a Farmland Program Manager

The Farmland Program Manager is a full time, grant funded position. The successful candidate will have connections with Illinois farm families and farming communities, and will do research, programming, outreach, and education around the urgent need to preserve, protect, and enhance farmland, especially as land changes hands. The successful applicant will oversee all of The […]

Craig Cox of the EWG Discusses the Farm Bill, Farm Programs and Their Effect on Stewardship

Conservation and the 2014 Farm Bill April 23 Alice Campbell Alumni Center Ballroom         5.30 pm Reception followed by 6.00-7.30 pm presentation and discussion Craig has devoted his working life to conservation.  He began his career at the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources in 1977 as a field biologist and then moved to Washington DC where […]

Academic specialist in meat and livestock supply chains and food hubs

Position Description – Academic Specialist Michigan State University Center for Regional Food Systems The Michigan State University (MSU) Center for Regional Food Systems (CRFS) is seeking an Academic Specialist to support outreach and research efforts in building capacity of Michigan-­‐ based meat and livestock supply chains and food hubs to further advance goals of the […]