U of I Students Support the Student Farmworker Alliance

fair foodThe UIUC Alternative Spring Break organized a trip to Florida over winter break that engaged students with the Student/Farmworker Alliance (SFA), which  is a national network of students and youth organizing with farmworkers to eliminate sweatshop conditions and modern-day slavery in the fields.

The SFA works with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW), a Florida-based, membership-led organization of mostly Latino, Haitian, and Mayan Indian low-wage workers.  Bill Moyers covered the SFA along with other groups working to build social justice in the field.
The UIUC Alternative Spring Break is a student led organization housed by the campus YMCA.  Their mission is to educate students about social, political, and environmental issues through direct service, group reflections, student leadership, diversity, and engagement beyond the local community. Participants will develop empathy and be motivated to action with the local community.  Check out their spring trips!