Tomorrow, the Illinois Sustainable Technology Center will be kicking off its spring Sustainability Seminar series, named “Multiple Facets of Sustainability”, with the intriguingly titled “Beyond Energy Efficiency: Behavior Change Tactics for the Pollution Prevention Community”. Appealing to the environmentally-minded as well as those interested in psychology, tomorrow’s talk, headed by Susan Mazur-Stommen, Director of Behavior and Human Dimensions Program at the ACEEE, is two facited, focusing on “what behavior change research tells us about how people make decisions and what motivates them to make changes” and, specifically, how “pollution prevention technical assistance providers can use that research to influence behavior change”.
The talk is happening at the ISTC center at One Hazelwood Dr. in Champaign, but for those who cannot attend, which, honestly, will be most of us, the event is being broadcast live. You can view the broadcast very easily by registering here, but will also be, for your viewing convenience, archived by the ISTC on their website.
Whether you can attend or watch the talk tomorrow, this will only be the first in a continuing series, so be on the lookout for more news on ISTC talks in the future. Additionally, the talk is presented in conjunction with the Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange, which will be hosting more webinars this spring on the topic of Behavioral Change, and you can find their website guess where?