It’s Grant Tuesday!

The North Central Region – Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program announced this week that it’s accepting applications for its ‘Farmer Rancher Grant’ program. The grant will be awarded to farmers and ranchers in the ‘North Central’ region (which includes Illinois, along with the rest of the Midwest) who submit an inventive proposal on solving problems on farms or ranches pertaining to sustainable agriculture.

As per NCR – SARE’s instructions, an individual’s grant should emphasize research or education/demonstration. There are three types of grants to win; a $7,500 ‘individual grant’, partner grants for two ranchers/farmer with separate operations worth a maximum of $15,000, and a group grant for three or more ranchers/farmers up to $22,500. The NCR – SARE expects to fund around 45 projects to the tune of $400,000 this year, and all grant recipients are expected to finish their project within 25 months of winning a grant.

Proposals are due November 29th at 4:30, so you’ve time, but not too much! Questions concerning any of the grants should be directed to Joan Benjamin at or (800) 529-1342. For more info on the grants themselves, visit NCR – SARE’s website.

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The North Central Region – Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program announced this week that it’s accepting applications for its ‘Farmer Rancher Grant’ program. The grant will be awarded to farmers and ranchers in the ‘North Central’ region (which includes Illinois, along with the rest of the Midwest) who submit an inventive proposal on solving problems on farms or ranches pertaining to sustainable agriculture.
As per NCR – SARE’s instructions, an individual’s grant should emphasize research or education/demonstration. There are three types of grants to win; a $7,500 ‘individual grant’, partner grants for two ranchers/farmer with separate operations worth a maximum of $15,000, and a group grant for three or more ranchers/farmers up to $22,500. The NCR – SARE expects to fund around 45 projects to the tune of $400,000 this year, and all grant recipients are expected to finish their project within 25 months of winning a grant.
Proposals are due November 29th at 4:30, so you’ve time, but not too much! Questions concerning any of the grants should be directed to Joan Benjamin at or (800) 529-1342. For more info on the grants themselves, visit NCR – SARE’s website.
And don’t forget folks, have a good night. Tomorrow’s a brand new day.

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