New Blog Focused at Strip-Tilling

We’re excited to tell you about a new site,, recently launched to serve as a source for all you need to know on the methods and equipment needed for strip-tillage, a form of agriculture that engages in minimal tillage. The method attempts to combine the benefits to soil temperature and general predictability of tillage […]

Job Opportunity: EFA Program Intern

New this week, the Ecological Farming Association, a non-profit educational organization based out of California, has announced they are looking for an unpaid intern to assist their Program Coordinator. In particular, the EFA is looking for an individual to assist in the coordination of the 2013 EcoFarm Conference in Pacific Grove, CA, the trademark event […]

‘Food Hubs’ Help Support Local Food

A recent blog post from Roots of Change highlights a food system that has seen its popularity rise along with the demand for sustainable and organic agriculture; the ‘food hub’. The system was born in response the current traditional agribusiness, which puts small and medium farmers at a terrible disadvantage. Under a ‘food hub’, these small […]

What’s in a Word?

For the consumer who shops for food with an emphasis on questions like “who grew this?” and “how was this grown?” life can sometimes be difficult. Let’s face it, oftentimes it takes a degree in chemistry to recognize all the ingredients in the food we eat, and with our modern-age super-corporations owning any number of umbrella […]

Literary Jamboree: Top-Bar Beekeeping

For those interested in amateur beekeeping, and really, who isn’t, comes a new book from Les Crowder and Heather Harrell, Top-Bar Beekeeping: Organic Practices for Honeybee Health. The book focuses, as the name might suggest, on the practice of top-bar beekeeping, a strategy which has become very popular with the beekeeping scene; so popular, in fact, […]

Farmers vs. Monsanto

Agriculture giant Monsanto has been taking a lot of heat lately, arguably for good reason. Specifically, for a pleasant little habit of suing farmers for patent infringement after said farmer’s crops had been unintentionally contaminated by Monsanto’s genetically modified seed. Farmers facing such allegations, up to this point on the defensive, have in recents weeks […]

Farm Bill: Drought Puts Pressure on GOP

One in a continuing series of posts concerning the 2012 Farm Bill Up to this point, the strategy of the GOP House leadership concerning the proposed 2012 Farm Bill has been one of apathy; afraid of showing splits in their party’s unity running up the crucial 2012 election, and still seeking more cuts to an […]