Restoration Agriculture Project. Check out the video!

Article and video by Heather Faivre This spring students at the University of Illinois initiated a study of permaculture design at the Sustainable Student Farm on the South Farms of the Urbana, Illinois Campus. The study is called Restoration Agriculture, and the goal of the project is to compare the production of traditional corn and […]

New ASAP Event

There’s going to be an ASAP event on July the 26th over in Bloomington, and you all should be there. It’s going to be held at The Land Connection (address and the like are in the calendar section, if you’re interested) from 3-8 pm and will cover such illuminating topics as “farm entry, succession and […]

Registration for SAEA Open

Hold on to your hats, ladies and gentlemen, because it’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for; registration for the Sustainable Agriculture Education Association’s 5th annual National Conference is now open! This year’s conference will take place September 9-10 in Corvallis, Oregon, on the site of Oregon State University. The theme of this year’s conference […]