GRADUATE ASSISTANTSHIP – Louisiana State University

A MS graduate assistantship is available to work in sustainable agriculture in the School of Plant, Environment and Soil Sciences at Louisiana State University. The research focus is on the use of summer cover crops in fall/winter organic vegetable production and the development of vegetable crop management systems.

Responsibilities: Successful candidate will manage his/her research project, conduct field studies on-station and on-farm, collect and analyze data, publish results in grant reports and industry articles, and peer-reviewed journals and effectively communicate orally and in writing, This position will be part of a multi-state team conducting research and extension activities and the ability to work with others in a team-oriented environment is essential.

Required qualifications: BS degree from an accredited institution. Preference will be given to applicants with a degree in Horticulture, Agronomy and Plant Science or related discipline.

Qualified applicants should file application on line to the LSU Graduate School which is found at the following link:

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