Agriculture Appropriations Bill Passes

The President has signed the Agriculture Appropriations bill for FY 2012 into law. The Agriculture agencies and programs in this bill will receive a total of $136.6 billion in both discretionary and mandatory funding, a reduction of $4.6 billion from the President’s request based on the Administration’s Mid-Session Review. Discretionary funding in the legislation totals […]

GRADUATE ASSISTANTSHIP – Louisiana State University

A MS graduate assistantship is available to work in sustainable agriculture in the School of Plant, Environment and Soil Sciences at Louisiana State University. The research focus is on the use of summer cover crops in fall/winter organic vegetable production and the development of vegetable crop management systems. Responsibilities: Successful candidate will manage his/her research […]

EPA Planning Grants for Student Design Competition

P3 Awards: A National Student Design Competition for Sustainability Focusing on People, Prosperity and the Planet EPA requests applications for the P3 competition, open exclusively to teams of undergraduate and/or graduate students attending U.S. colleges, universities and other post-secondary educational institutions. EPA considers projects that address challenges from a wide range of categories: agriculture, built […]

Assistant Prof: food, environment, human health and equity

The University of Michigan School of Public Health seeks candidates for the position of Assistant Professor with expertise in the area of sustainable food systems.  The start date for this tenure-track position is September 1, 2012. We seek candidates with expertise in sustainable food systems in relation to the environment, human health and equity. Candidates who […]

Two Full Time Faculty Positions in Food Systems

The Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development  Department of Nutrition, Food Studies, and Public Health Two Full Time Positions in Food Systems Associate Professor, Tenured/Tenure Track Assistant Professor, Tenure Track Application Deadline Dec. 15th NYU’s < Department of Nutrition,  Food Studies, and Public Health is seeking candidates for two  tenure-track positions in food […]

CU Local Foods Groups to Link with and Learn from the Edible Economy

ASAP and a coalition of local food groups, City officials, Illinois Farm Bureau,  and others interested in expanding the Champaign-Urbana food economy have invited representatives of the Edible Economy and other leaders in this area to share their experiences on Nov 29 from 5.00-7.00 p.m. This is open to all and will take place at […]

Position Description: Network Coordinator – 50% part-time position (Contract – Program Representative II)

To apply, review directions on “How to Apply” and submit online application: For full consideration, apply by Monday, November 7, 2011. Job Summary Under direction of the Director for the Agricultural Sustainability Institute (ASI), provide coordination and organizational support to the networking, education, research, and engagement activities of the national Inter-institutional Network for Food, […]

Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development (JAFSCD)

Check this resource out!  Wonderful relevant articles. The Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development (JAFSCD) is an online, international, peer-reviewed publication focused on the practice and applied research interests of agriculture and food systems development professionals. The Journal emphasizes best practices and tools related to the planning, community economic development, and ecological protection […]


University of California, Berkeley The Division of Society and Environment in the Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management at the University of California at Berkeley invites applications for a tenure track appointment at the level of assistant professor in the area of Agriculture, Society and Food Security, to begin July 1, 2012. The successful […]